
Late nights under the moonlight is a night to take advantage. It’s the kind of night that you inhale possibility. It’s the kind of night that you take in all that’s around you, understanding that the same creative hands that perfectly designed the moon and the stars and all that we gravitate too; are the same hands that breathed life and original seeds within us. The moon is said to create moisture in the soil, causing seeds to sprout and grow. How fitting to be formed from the earth, with seeds of greatness planted inside standing rooted in moving water. Tonight everything in me is destined to sprout and flourish. Everything is connected! It’s Spiritual! It’s energy! It’s not visual; it’s received & imparted. What is giving you life? What’s in you that is ready to bud? What do you do with moments sent to recharge you? Take advantage of the quiet moments, the lonely moments. Unplug from temporary energy and plug into the ever-flowing spirit from the Divine. Selah!

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